Uniform Shop
Our school uniform was co-designed by a small group of around 10 community members in late 2010 in preparation for the 2011 school year. The group designed one uniform for all students for the first year and the formal uniform for the second year.
Each term, a uniform advisory group meets to give feedback to the Principal on any matters involving uniform or student dress code. This group conducts an annual parent survey and the results are fed back to the P&C and included in the school newsletter.
The school's Business Manager provides a detailed report of uniform sales and purchases at each general P&C meeting. Any profits generated by the uniform business at school are fed back into school staffing.
The dress code for students is detailed and is rigorously applied. All families are provided a full induction into the school - including the student dress code - and parents are required to agree to the terms of the dress code before enrolment.
Read the full
student dress code.
Orders for new uniforms
The School Locker website for internet orders. or
The school uniform shop is open:
- Monday 7:45am - 10:30am
- Wednesday from 1.00pm - 3.30pm.
The shop is situated behind the main cafe building.