Coomera Rivers State School is an Independent Public School who provides your family with a safe and disciplined learning environment.
Our school is an Apple Distinguished School. We utilise the latest in technology to support and enhance student learning in the national curriculum. Classrooms are digitally rich learning environments that act as a portal to the world. With a wide range of extra-curricular activities, and e-services for families, what we offer is unrivalled.
Coomera Rivers State School provides digitally rich classrooms where students:
Our digital learning environments maximise:
wireless connectivity throughout the school
iPads and other digital devices
capacity to personalise learning for individual student needs.
Specialist subjects of study include:
a quality arts program facilitated by a specialist teacher for all students from Prep to Year 6
a unique multi-media and technology subject for select year levels, called Digi Design
a strong music program (brass, woodwind, percussion and strings) for students in Years 3 to 6
Mandarin Chinese as the language of study (this is provided in Years 4-6)
Physical education classes for all students.
Co-curricular opportunities for students includes:
a quality performing arts program for senior students (Years 4-6) with school musicals performed every second year
a strong instrumental music program (brass, woodwind, percussion and strings) for students in Years 3 to 6
a growing choral program for all students in the school
- a chess program available to all students
- interschool sport for Years 5-6 students that focus on fun, fitness, and friendship
- district and regional sport involvement for students in Year 5 and 6
- leadership opportunities for students
- opportunities for enrichment across the school.
We offer the following e-services for families:
on-line daily communication between school and home
- fortnightly school newsletters
regular class updates from teachers
direct email communication between families and staff
web banking
on-line ordering for uniforms and café requirements
direct electronic student report cards to families.
Other services for families include:
before and after school care
before and after school sporting & cultural activities for students.