Australian Curriculum
At Coomera Rivers State School, we provide teaching and learning aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Parent information can be found on the Australian Curriculum website.
Deep Learning
How we teach the Australian Curriculum is guided by our framework that focuses our learning design on what is called Deep Learning. This is called our pedagogical framework.
Use the links below to view video vignette's that help explain the parts of our framework:
- Student-Centred Learning
- Learning Partnerships
- Leveraging Digital
- Learning Environment
View Deep Learning in action at Coomera Rivers:
- Real Role Models
- Koalified
- Global Snapshot
- Day10 Story
The 6 C's at Coomera Rivers

At Coomera Rivers State School, we have re-focused our goals for education and learning to include skills that prepare all learners to be:
- life-long creative, connected and collaborative problem solvers and
- healthy, happy individuals who contribute to the common good in today's globally interdependent world.
What are the 6 C's?
Character — honesty, self-regulation and responsibility, perseverance, empathy for contributing to the safety and benefit of others, self-confidence, personal health and well-being, career and life skills.
Citizenship—global knowledge, sensitivity to and respect for other cultures, active involvement in addressing issues of human and environmental sustainability.
Communication—communicate effectively orally, in writing and with a variety of digital tools; listening skills.
Critical thinking and problem solving—think critically to design and manage projects, solve problems, make effective decisions using a variety of digital tools and resources.
Collaboration—work in teams, learn from and contribute to the learning of others, social networking skills, empathy in working with diverse others.
Creativity and imagination—economic and social entrepreneurialism, considering and pursuing novel ideas, and leadership for action. (Fullan, 2013)
The four elements of learning design (learning partnerships, pedagogical practices, leveraging digital and learning environments) focus on the developing instructional practices to foster learning.
Digi Design
All Coomera Rivers State School, students in select year levels engage in weekly or fortnightly DigiDesign specialist lessons which focus on creating with design and digital technologies. By leveraging these STEM skills through entrepreneurial education and design thinking, students' learning experiences focus on the Deep Learning Global Competencies; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, character and citizenship needed to be Good at Learning - Good at Life.
Entrepreneurial Excellence
Entrepreneurial education is about developing students' ability to think critically and creatively, to identify problems and undertake complex problem solving, and to negotiate, communicate and lead.
Through valuable partnerships with several community organisations we connect learners to authentic local, national and global opportunities. During these experiences, students are active and engaged in co-designing with entrepreneurship experts and it is through these excellence opportunities that students' talents can flourish in this area.
Check out an example of this in action - Thinking entrepreneurially in HASS.